고민 끝! 반조애 청담 웨딩밴드 계약완료 후기

반조애 청담본점 서울시 강남구 도산대로 98길 20 반조애 청담본점 위치: 서울시 강남구 도산대로 98길 20 영업시간: 화-일 10:30-19:00 안녕하세요~~ 저는 내년에 결혼을 앞둔 예비신부입니다 🙂 결혼 준비는 정말 선택의 늪이죠.. ㅎㅎ ​​하지만 결혼반지는 정말 신중하게 고르고 싶었어요!
결혼반지를 고를 때는 보통 3가지 유형으로 나눌 수 있어요 1) 종로 바로가기 2) 청담 기프트샵 3) 백화점 명품 브랜드숍 좀 더 특별한 디자인을 원했고 예산이 300~400만원 정도라 청담 기프트샵을 둘러보기로 했습니다.
둘러보고 나니 청담 기프트샵이 한두 군데가 아니더라고요… 또륵 청담 기프트샵 중에서 레브가/아크레도/반조애를 둘러볼 계획이었어요. 우선 가장 눈에 띄는 것은 “반조에”였습니다.
반조에 매장은 디자인이 정말 다양했고, 다양한 디자인이 다른 곳에서는 찾기 힘든 특별한 디자인이었습니다.
와 >_< After looking at the designs and checking the prices on the Banjoae site, I made a consultation reservation right away!
If you make a reservation on Naver, they will call you first, kindly explain the reservation, and send you a questionnaire via text message. They told me that the consultation would take about 2 hours, but I spent about 2 and a half hours just for the consultation, so it’s better to make sure to leave plenty of time for the rest of your schedule 🙂 Banjoae Cheongdam consultation review From the entrance of Banjoae, they were luxurious. As soon as you entered, they greeted you very kindly, and the interior was luxurious itself:) After waiting for a bit, they guided you to the 2nd floor. Hehe. First, they showed you various ring designs and let you choose several designs you wanted. As soon as we saw the designs we chose, they were perfect for our style!
The manager in charge... is a mind reader?!
After figuring out our tastes, he recommended colors that would suit us after checking our personal colors, and after figuring out our personalities and moods, he also recommended colors that would suit those!
We both said that our skin is on the white side, so the ring color that suits us based on our personal color check is rose gold!
The color that suits our personalities and moods is white gold!
🙂 This was my first time having such a detailed consultation, so I was really excited even before seeing the rings!
After checking my taste and color, I could see various ring samples in person!
From classic samples to special designs that we wanted, please show us everything~~ (It's different from what you see on the website, but when you see it in person... it's so pretty that your eyes will dazzle... be careful... hehe) While trying on this and that, we chose the ring that suited us better... and chose... and chose?!
We were left with two candidates left... hehe From here on out, we decided not to go to any other shops... and started choosing the rings^^ Candidate 1. Lumiere Figar Candidate 2. Lumiere Connection Both rings went well together so I had a hard time deciding, but I wanted a more special design!
In the end, we decided on candidate 2!
Lumiere Connection!
>_< 너무~~~~~~예쁘지 않나요?!
디자인을 고르고 사이즈도 확인했는데 각인도 가능해서 각인하기로 했어요:) 마지막으로 계약서 작성!
추천인 10% 할인, 당일입금 10% 할인까지 받아서 생각보다 저렴하게 계약 완료할 수 있었어요!
반지 제작은 두달 정도 걸린다고 하셔서 8월 말에 픽업할 계획이에요!
반지 빨리 받고 싶어요 ㅠ.ㅠ 반조애 상담부터 반지 디자인까지 10000000% 만족했어요!
계속 고민해서 결정하기까지 시간이 오래 걸렸는데 기다려주시고 친절하게 상담해주신 이영우 매니저님 최고예요!
드디어 결혼반지 정했어요!
반조애샵 고민중이시라면 먼저 상담 받아보세요:)[출처] 걱정 끝!
반조애 청담 웨딩밴드 계약 완료 후기 | 작성자: 포